Hello and thank you for choosing the Creatr HS for your printing needs.
In the following solution we will show you how to calibrate the heated bed for your Creatr HS.
In order to calibrate your Creatr HS heated bed you will need:
- a piece of paper;
- and the latest software and firmware installed on the HS:
1. Update Creatr HS Stand-Alone Software
2. Flash new Firmware on the Creatr HS
3. Set Extruder Offset for Your Creatr HS (M50)
Clean the Bed
The first step is to remove the printing sticker and clean the surface of the bed you can find the instructions on how to clean your heated if you follow this link.
Use the Bed Calibration Menu Option Found on the Printer's Stand Alone Display
If you just updated the Stand-Alone software, you should notice a menu option available to you called the Bed Calibration tool:
Once the commands are executed take a piece of paper and place it between the extruders and the heated bed as you can see in Pic.1.
Adjusting the Bed
After placing the paper between the extruders and the bed move the paper side to side and start adjusting the distance between the extruders and the bed using the bottom part of the screws situated in each corner of the bed see Pic.2, until the paper moves between the two without any friction.
The reason why we advise that there shouldn't be any friction between the bed and extruders is because the distance will me smaller once you add the printing sticker.
Check each corner of the heated bed
This process has to be executed in each of the corners of the bed Pic.3a,3b,3c to ensure a good calibration of the heated bed.
Always Double Check
You should double check your work just to make sure you are satisfied with the results. After clearing the four corners of the heated bed it is also recommended that you check the rest of the surface and see if the same distance between extruders and bed exists.Thank you for reading the solution and for any other issues please do not hesitate to contact our Leapfrog Support Team.
We wish you happy printing!